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Craving salted black olives? Buy Hang Hing Kirin Salted Black Olives online at one of Auckland’s leading Asian grocery shops, New Gum Sarn, to add a novel twist of flavour to your dishes.
Traditionally, these olives are cured in brine to get rid of bitterness, infusing them with a salty taste. Black olives can also be cured in dry salt. The online salted black olives can be used in Chinese and Thai recipes.
Thai cuisine has a specific type of fried-rice dish with salted black olives, called Kao Pad Nam Liap. You can use salted black olives to add zest to stir-fried vegetables cooked in a Cantonese style, or mix it with rice and various meats to give them its distinct flavour.
Ingredients: Salted black Chinese olives.
Salted black Chinese olives.
09 302 2157 151 Pilkington Rd, Panmure
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